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Gemini and Taurus Love Compatibility

Gemini and Taurus Love Compatibility Despite being only one sign apart, Taurus and Gemini couldn't be more different. Taurus is slow and stable, but Gemini almost bounces off the walls with enthusiasm. Taurus' decisions are irreversible. However, Geminis have the ability to change their minds six times before breakfast. Taurus is a fixed earth sign that represents stability, persistence, practicality, and control. Gemini is a mutable air sign characterized by flexibility, resourcefulness, innovation, and impracticality. They just do not seem to mix.  Despite their differences, the couple is frequently attracted to each other. Gemini is drawn to Taurus' subtle but committed passion and sexuality. Taurus is drawn to Gemini's innate vivaciousness, just as people instinctively gravitate toward Geminis. Taurus' forthright, no-nonsense communication style is pleasant to Gemini. Taurus admires Gemini's versatility. The best part: They both like laughing.  This couple i...